Helping you better understand your world

We design algorithms, software, and supporting technology that help you better understand your world and navigate within it.

About Us

We design custom algorithms and software to help you better understand your world. We also provide SaaS offerings for specific problem areas. Our mathematical areas of expertise are:

  • Machine Learning, Generative AI and Genetic Algorithms
  • Decision Science
  • Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
  • Simulation and Markov Processes

We support your software needs

In addition to our algorithmic skills, we are experts on the following technologies and platforms.

Java/C/C#/C++ 100%
NodeJS/PHP/Ruby 100%
Locally hosted applications 100%
Hosting your application on our infrastructure 100%


Custom application development

Contact for pricing

  • Free quotes
  • Design, implementation, testing
  • Deploy to our servers or yours
  • Long term maintenance options available

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you create Mac/Windows/Linux applications?

Yes, we offer services to design, create, and distribute MacOSX, Windows, and Linux applications.

Can you create web applications?

Yes, we offer a variety of web applications technologies that we support.

Do you offer hosting options for web applications you develop?

Yes, we can host your application for you.


We are happy to field any questions you may have for us.

For sales questions:

For support questions: